Frequently Asked Questions
1) Is C.S.O.M accredited? No, we have chosen not to accredit at this time. Crossfire is a practical school of ministry designed to give people a quality education at no cost. In order to fulfill this mandate we have chosen not to accredit because of the high cost. Many people have the idea that you can't receive a quality education without accreditation but this is not true. The Lord has raised up many bible schools and seminaries to train his people. Accreditation doesn't make one a minister! A minister is called and anointed by God and Crossfire School of Ministry will provide you with the tools you will need to preach, teach and minister to people.
2) Are C.S.O.M credits transferrable to other institutions? We are looking to connect with other bible colleges and seminaries in the near future but at this time it would be up to the institution to decide if they would accept our credits. So we encourage you to check with any schools you may be planning on transferring our credits into before beginning our program.
3) Can I transfer credits into C.S.O.M from previous training I received? We do not accept credits from any other training you may have received. We expect our students to start from year one. So we don't give advance standing, all our courses work together to train you for the harvest fields.
4) When Can I apply? If you are taking the distant learning route you can apply at anytime. For students that are taking courses on campus they must submit applications by August 15 of every year. Our on campus classes start in September and run until June.
5) How do I apply? There will be an application form on this website that you can fill out and send to us or you can phone our office. (coming soon!)
6) What is the cost of the tuition? The school of ministry is free at this time. We have teamed up with Harvest Time International who provides free textbooks for your learning. We have Video lessons of our own to go along with the textbooks. All we ask is that our students consider supporting the ministry through donations if they can afford to do so.
7) When are your classes? If you have chosen the distant learning route then you work at your own pace. On campus classes are every Saturday from 9:00am-12:00pm.
8) How long does it take to complete each year? For distant learning students it's totally up to you. For those students who are on campus it takes 10 months to complete a single year.
9) How long have you been in operation? C.S.O.M began September 2018. The beginning of this school began with on campus learning only but we are now taking great strides to make this available on line for as many people around the world to be trained freely.
10) What is C.S.O.M doctrinal position? We are a Full Gospel school which means we do believe in the Baptism with the Holy Spirit to be subsequent to salvation. We also believe the gifts of the Spirit are for today. There is a full list of our doctrinal beliefs on this website.